Youth |
The Youth movement initiated by the INTUC during 1961 has succeeded in generating a growing consciousness for the organization of the young workers to obtain the nation’s much towards its cherished goal of socialist society. INTUC with the concept of developing second level leadership constituted youth structure formation within INTUC to have young workers train through various training through vocational training to inculcate able leadership quality for the benefit of the working people. INTUC YOUNG WORKERS COUNCIL is a Youth Wing of INTUC, that was establishment with the objective of mobilizing Youth Workers throughout our country and under the fold of Trade Union movement makes them aware of their rights, responsibilities and also train them through seminars and workshop to face the challenges in the emerging scenario of globalization with its associated fears of in securities and social tension. In the back drop of globalization of market, modernization of industry economies of newly independent developing countries with this fast rate of productivity with consequent downsizing and redundancy of man power have let to widespread fears and insecurity in work place. Today young people are facing greater exclusion from the labour market. Unemployment, Underemployment and job insecurity are of great concern to today’s youth. It is therefore, imperative to harness this youth strength and turn this latent idle power into productive power. For that, it is necessary to give the youth adequate opportunity for educational, vocational training courses to meet the challenges imposed by the policy of globalization, liberalization and introduction of new technology. The basic problems identified by INTUC Young Workers Council among Youth Workers are the widespread fears and insecurity attached in the workforce. This insecurity is generated primarily by the following facts at the work place: (a) Contractual nature of employment (b) Denial of Statutory Employment benefits (c) Transient nature of employment (d) Social insecurity (e) Health and Safety Hazard in work Place It is becoming a challenging job in the present scenario for the working class to keep their employment intact, secured for them and their dependents on them as well. Fear and insecurity have grasped the younger generation in the workplace. This insecurity at the workplace spreads to the home and community and creates loss of the confidence of the working people and to propel of the country as a whole. With the support of various State Presidents and Industrial Federation Presidents Youth Committees have been formed in maximum states covering length and breadth of India under the able and competent guidance and endeavor of Youth Chairman from time to time under the able stewardship of Dr. G. Sanjeeva Reddy, INTUC Young Workers Council conducted many seminars, Workshops and rallies were held at many places to prepare and develop Young Workers to meet the challenges which they are bound to face in the context of globalization of the market with consequent introduction of new technologies. Shri Sanjay Gaba Chairman and Shri G. Satyajeet Reddy Vice-Chairman heading the Youth INTUC along with other Office-Bearers and Committee Members.