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Women Worker

The INTUC Central Woman Workers Committee is functioning from the INTUC National Headquarters. The CWWC is active in promoting women in trade union movement from grassroot level to national level. A number of programs conducted by the Committee to educate women on their rights.   

Smt. Devika Singh is now Chairperson and Smt. M Umanagendramani is the Secretry General.  Ms. Sushila Yadav, Ms. Ujjaini Sengupta, Ms. Umarani, Ms. Mousami Banerjee and Ms. Saroj Devi are the General Secretaries.  

The State Level and Federations level committees are also functioning. The State level committees and Federation level committees organized programes on various occasions and specially on every year 8th March on the International Women’s Day. Through INTUC women members were nominated to attend Seminars and Workshops at national and international level. 

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